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Preschool Graduation

Are you a part of a preschool or nursery?

Why not have a token to celebrate the milestone of your children transitioning from preschool/nursery to primary school.


I really enjoy shooting these graduation shoots, Which are often arranged a few weeks before the end of term, giving both the option of having a quirky picture and a more formal one.  The best bit is that I donate part of the earnings to the preschool, which helps with fundraising to make a lasting impact on future kiddos! 



How it works on the day 

On the day I usually use a room or space of your preschool/nursery's choice, in recent times with the pandemic have also taken the pictures in the garden play area.

Usually there is one key-worker/room leader or preschool manager who has the list of children who can then also help them into their gowns and gives them a familiar face that also helps them to smile at the camera if they are feeling a little shy.  


As they are still quite young and not so used to a setting with lights and a background if it feels too overwhelming then they can always watch their friends to see what happens. Usually after this they feel brave enough and ready to stand in front of the camera! 


After the session I then aim to deliver a contact sheet of the photos to the preschool within 1 week of the shoot. Then when the parents come to collect their children they can see their child's photo and make a decision if they would like to buy. How many copies they would like and if they would like any digital ones. This process usually takes one to one and a half weeks. I then process the order within one week and they are handed out at the preschool/nursery to keep the prices down.


If you would like to have further information please do email me I will be very happy to help!







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